May 8, 2005

Happy Mother's Day!

To My Mama....for being faithful to me and willing to learn even when you were old.
To Jim...I would not be a mother without you, or at least not to these 4 amazing women
To Jen....for following your heart about parenting, going after your dreams and for giving us Madeleine & Carter (Dave..thanks too..and thanks for your sweet MD wish to me!)
To Kristen….okay..there’s no words..girlfriend!! you are tough, I promise to always remind Ethan how tenaciously his mom worked to birth him and nurse him!....and even cut his cord! (Derek..thanks for being there for Kris!)
To Pache.... for showing me the tender souls of children hear God's voice, and for giving us Josiah & Jack (Jorgie..thanks too!)
To Katie...for reprimanding every ungrateful daughter who you sold clothes to at American Eagle yesterday and giving their mothers an unexpected recognition! You probably have some angry well-clothed customers but they'll be paid!
To Betty, Aunt Nan, never had children of your own, but you nurtured children in a ways that changed their lives, and you changed mine
To sister, friend and the one I commiserated with all my years of mothering and still do.
To My Prayer MomsKathy T., Mabel, Gloria, Betty B., Kathy P. who prayed for my girls and loved them unconditionally…you are the best!
To Kelly ….for allowing me to share in her homebirth and welcome Emily to this world
To Jissel….may every Mother’s Day be a special as your first! Welcome baby Rozelynn! Thank you for all your support!
To Efrat…I know your next Mother’s Day will be wonderful…hold on to your “HOPE” rock…I’m praying for you always..soon you'll hold your miracle.
To Pam, Shameka, Michael and all the single moms I know who have great kids and parent alone!
To Debbie and all those women at my work who model and give endlessly to our foster children, daily giving above & beyond…God Bless You

Isaiah 40:11(NCV) He takes care of His people like a shepherd. He gathers them like lambs in his arms and carries them close to Him. He gently leads the mother of the lambs

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