Daisies in June along a PA country road
Nighttime starry skies when you can see the Milky Way
Thick newly cut grass
Florida morning skies
My Krissy’s heart
My Krissy’s heart
Crocus pushing through the snow in late February
Stories old people tell
Stories old people tell
The genuine laughter of children, especially those who have suffered great pain
Flying at sunrise when the clouds beneath are blazing like lava
A full moon reflecting off the ocean waters
Queen Anne’s lace
People who fight for the rights of children
Ethan’s “Great ideas!” and how Nate thinks they are great too
Ethan’s “Great ideas!” and how Nate thinks they are great too
Pache’s strength in hard times
The way the eternal God visits me and whispers in my ear
The camaraderie of women
The singing of birds right before sunrise
How God “shows up” at death, and every other place
The way people love children at CHARLEE
That my grandchildren have the best fathers ever!!
The way people love children at CHARLEE
That my grandchildren have the best fathers ever!!
Men that cry, and apologize for being so sappy
Flower chains made by the ladies in Guntur
The beauty of autumn leaves
My Lucy Girl and her love for shoes
Purple lilacs in May
People who love the brokenhearted
Old, old songs
Walking in downtown Miami early in the morning
Old ladies who beat off robbers

Mada and Carter’s love for each otherPurple lilacs in May
People who love the brokenhearted
Old, old songs
Walking in downtown Miami early in the morning
Old ladies who beat off robbers

The smell of a newborn baby’s skin
How Jorgie makes me laugh
Being called Mama
Being called Mama
That Katie will ALWAYS be my baby
The small purple iris that grew by our home in Elverson
The giggle of African women walking home in the dark on the road to Pegari
The giggle of African women walking home in the dark on the road to Pegari

Making a game of all tasks
My nails when they are long
My nails when they are long
Weaves and hairstyles African American women wear
Black women who hate weaves
Finding old friends in Facebook
How dogs love their owners
Wild flowers
Black women who hate weaves
Finding old friends in Facebook
How dogs love their owners
Wild flowers

Crackling fires on a cold winter night
The way Marilyn March weeps every time she speaks about CHARLEE
Jonathan Scott singing
Ostentatious Christmas poinsettias at the Bank of America
Woman who are brave and courageous
The way tiny babies talk back to you when you speak to them eye to eye
Kedy telling me he wished I was his “grandma”
People who understand and love old people
How Josiah loves Lyra
Linda’s childlike faith
The sea of colorful saris on a crowded Indian street
The way Jack looks at Josiah
Colorful flowers growing along the interstate highways
My sister-in-law Jane’s hands
Late afternoons on the beach when everyone leaves
How Josiah loves Lyra
Linda’s childlike faith
The sea of colorful saris on a crowded Indian street
The way Jack looks at Josiah
Colorful flowers growing along the interstate highways
My sister-in-law Jane’s hands
Late afternoons on the beach when everyone leaves
Reading in my swing
My sister – everything about her
Strangers that tell you their stories
Shoe-shine men and ladies
Sunsets in the Keys
Airports everywhere
Shoe-shine men and ladies
Sunsets in the Keys
Airports everywhere
People who adopt children and call them by their birth name
Knowing that an eternal God knows and loves me
Rita, Rita, Rita
My Jesus Never Fails sign – that hung in my childhood home
Jaywalking anywhere and everywhere
Singing around a campfire
When a foster child finds a home where they are unconditionally and deeply loved
Older black women with very, very short hair
My brother’s words that healed my soul
Jaywalking anywhere and everywhere
Singing around a campfire
When a foster child finds a home where they are unconditionally and deeply loved
Older black women with very, very short hair
My brother’s words that healed my soul
My husband, my friend
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